该用户匿名发帖 发表于 2011-4-7 16:30   只看TA 21楼
I agree with you.It is the first step that costs troublesome.you'd better read the rule of sectionsand it's good to upgrade your level.
StupidJunk 发表于 2011-4-18 16:07   只看TA 22楼
Work on the existing sections that allow you to post.
heysora 发表于 2011-4-19 13:38   只看TA 23楼

i agree

I will try to do my best
bobylove 发表于 2011-5-1 19:54   只看TA 24楼
This is how the SIS machine works, just get used to it and keep replying meaningful contents to threads in thos groups you can enter.
tttattt 发表于 2011-5-4 12:10   只看TA 25楼
if your do not want to be VIP of this website which is the most simple way,than your must keep on rely.
梨花酱 发表于 2011-5-24 22:00   只看TA 26楼
i want it either, so we have to obey the rules, creat more topics and stay longer here. i do think it is quite difficult to a foreign visitor to upgrade because most of the conditions to upgrade need chinese to communicate . i really recommend that there would be more ways to upgrade someday!
该用户匿名发帖 发表于 2011-5-25 07:46   只看TA 27楼
This forum consider good cos have 1 english section. Normally chinese forum doesnt have any english section or so call english theme.
随风行走 发表于 2011-10-5 02:24   只看TA 28楼
i also get that problem, a lot of section can not be gotten through, i will try hard
我思故我亡 发表于 2011-10-5 18:23   只看TA 29楼
We have to change the attitude of I-want-it-and-I-want-it-now. People will never cherish the things that he can get easily. So just move forward step by step, then when you are at level 2, you will be very proud of yourself. You made it!!! Wow.
随风行走 发表于 2011-10-6 01:53   只看TA 30楼
in canada 、are you joking
the SIS so popular?
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