[丹麥/無碼] X級劇情~ 4.人馬座符號 [中文字幕] [WMV/827MB]
【影片片名】:X級劇情~ 4.人馬座符號 [中文字幕]
【影片譯名】:Agent 69 Jensen i Skyttens tegn (1978)
【影片又名】:I skyttens tegn
【平均評價】:★★★★★→ 4.7 顆星.
【影片大小】:827 MB
【影片演員】:Ole Soltoft. Poul Bundgaard, Karl Stegger, Kate Mundt, Andre Chazel. Soren Stromberg. Gina Janssen. Lee Fong Wong. Benny Hansen. Paul Hagen. Jeanne Darville. Anna Bergman. Arthur Jensen. Ricky Bruch. Torben Bille.
【檔案數目】:1個WMV+12個圖片群 (種子內有圖)
【語種發音】:丹麥語對白. 簡體中文字幕.
【影片內容】:時裝. 成人. 劇情. 愛情. 搞笑. 喜劇. 性愛. 激情. 三點全露. 等.
【影片片商】:Happy Film . 製作.
【內容附註】:※片內不加入自己ID, 亦不植入竊佔為己有的炫耀水印字語.
【回覆附註】:※不喜此類型者請自律, 請勿回覆損人不利己的無聊言詞!!
【種子期限】:完30種後5天內不定期補種 (3週後刪檔)
丹麥成人喜劇導演Werner Hedman維爾納.赫德曼維爾納,也許和其他導演有類似的經歷,曾經幹過很多的行,比如演員,攝影師,攝影指導,助理導演,導演,作家(編劇),編輯,助理製片,製片人.......
他導演過的成人喜劇電影當中,最有名的就屬星座系列,共有5部分別為 (天蠍座符號)(獅子座符號)(雙子座符號)(人馬座符號)(金牛座符號),※ 每日清晨發放1片, 5日全部發完 ※
I skyttens tegn is the last movie of the danish erotic-comedy serie. The serie started in 1973 with "I jomfruens tegn" and it got great success, specially because Denmark was one of the first country to take away the censor of porn. In Denmark the movies, been seen of german tourist and people who just seen it of a comedy. Many great danish actors, was in the films, but in 78 was it over. Hard-core porn took over from the danish comedy-film. The film was not good. The humor was awful and the sex-scenes was just horney. This film as about two agents, who is fantastic stupid and there look for a box with a micro-film. People like Paul Hagen, Arthur Jensen, Poul Bundgaard, Karl Stegger and Ib Mossin must be shame.